Tuesday, May 24, 2011

There and back

Two days to go, and my summer vacation will begin! So of course I've been dreaming about traveling somewhere before I start to work. Still don't know about money, destination or company though, but it's always nice to dream at least!
Well, related to that, I thought which ways of traveling would be the best for me, and here's how it ended up.

1. By car
Absolutely my favorite, though gasoline is quite expensive and car is quite slow compared to the other vehicles. Also at least in my case, I'd always prefer to have someone else driving, so that's a problem sometimes. But car can reach places that plane, boat and train can't, and it's up to the passengers to decide where and when to stop and which route to choose. Not to mention it's only for few people, so usually the trip would be done with friends or family. Traveling by car gives a lot of freedom and leaves room for changing plans on the way, and eliminates the stress of following timetables and the possibility of being late.

From a trip to southern Finland last summer. Again, I didn't drive.
Camping and cooking outside. Trip to southern Finland two summers ago.

2. By flight
My second favorite, though usually a bit too expensive for my wallet. It's fast and steady and the best way to reach farther destinations. For some reason I like the feeling in the airports: so many people going somewhere, so many languages, something to wait for at the end of the distance, knowing that soon I'll also be on my way somewhere. It gives me the feeling of freedom, even more when the plane first takes off. On the other hand, it's painful to just sit still if going somewhere far and the food isn't always that great.

Inside a bit bigger plane waiting for the other passengers to come in and start the journey to Japan.
Departing and arriving flights on Helsinki-Vantaa airport.Sunset from a plane window on the way back home from Dubai.
3. By boat
My problem with a boat is that I get seasick so easily, which is probably why I have never gone to cruises or really traveled by boat or unless it's the cheapest way to get to the destination. But boat is an easy way to travel. You can have a cabinet if you need - not big, but probably enough for sleeping and storing your stuff - and there's usually a lot to do on the boat. This is something that car, plane and train are missing. There are restaurants, bars and shops, and you can freely walk around or go on the deck. The trip doesn't get so boring that way.

Inside a boat waiting for the departure to Tallinn.
Another boat arriving at the port of Tallinn. From the window of our boat.
4. By train
This is what I usually do the most since I don't really have another choice, and maybe that's why I'm getting fed up with trains, especially since here they tend to be late more often than not. But if you don't have a car, train is the best way to travel around. Easy to reach, since the stations are usually in the centers, steady and quite fast. In addition to me getting enough of traveling by train, the problem here is again having to sit still for a long time (though of course in a train you can walk more than in a plane).

From Seinäjoki railway station heading to Rovaniemi.
Vihanti railway station at dawn, heading to Espoo.
5. By bus
Absolutely the last option I would choose. Small space, slow, stops often and again you have to follow the timetables. In a train I can read or write, but since the bus is not steady ride, I'll just feel sick if I try to read there. And since there are other people than just your friends, you can't talk just about anything, like when traveling in a car. Bus rides can get so so boring.
And I don't even have a picture to add here, lol.

That's about it for me then. 8) How about you? Feel the same way or totally disagree?
For the next time!

★ Maani


  1. Even though i have never traveled by plane or boat, i totally agree with your preferences :'''DD I've always liked car rides the most obviously because they're always just with your family or/and friends. You know, you can have that nice smalltalk with others or just gaze out of the window, dream, listen to music and so on....

    When traveling by train i always get the feeling that i should just... be quiet. Keep my mouth shut :'D I don't know why, but for some reason it feels SO awkward to talk with others in train, even if it is a friend or a family member. But maybe it's because all the others are always so quiet and grumpy there? Well idk, lol.

  2. Haha so interesting! : D
    And yeah, I also get that feeling in the train, I just don't want to make any kind of noise. Maybe it's just the impact of having Finnish strangers around you being all quiet, lol.
